Welcome. I'm Nafisa Huda, your next Software Engineer.

A software engineer based in New York.

About Me

About Me

Hi, I'm Nafisa, a New York based web developer.

Ever since I was young, I've had a strong curiosity and desire to understand how things work. Technology was an enigma to me as it was the most powerful asset I had access to, yet I did not understand how exactly it worked.

I eventually sparked an interest in web development. Wanting to learn how to build web and mobile applications, I started by creating static websites using HTML and CSS. Eager to expand my skill set, I learned the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack and have built applications with other software engineers along with contributing to open source.

My Skills

My Tech Skills

I enjoy keeping up with upcoming industry tools, frameworks, and trends. I'm most comfortable with the MERN JavaScript stack but am always ready to learn new things.

Front-end Skills

Frontend skills in my repertoire include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, EJS, Handlebars and React to build agile, mobile-responsive web applications.

Backend Skills

Backend skills in my repertoire include MongoDB, Express, Node.js, and Git. With these skills I have built dynamic, fullstack applications

What I've made.

Most recent projects.



A full-stack responsive web application designed to aid your individual grocery-related needs!

scissors and comb


A mindfulness-based app that takes kids ages 8-12 on an interactive journey to learn about mental wellbeing and how fun it can be to create a healthier mind.



An all-in-one agenda to help streamline the organization of daily tasks, scheduling, deadlines, and goals.


Dev Draw

A web-application where users can create their own art through a canvas with numerous features.

diamond logo

Words Of Wisdom

An API providing meaningful quotes, stoic quotes and valuable advice.